(+91) 8789408001

An engineering undergraduate in Computer Science and Engineering.
I am an intermediate level Android developer working mostly at the backend, I like contributing to open source projects and am working on some projects of my own.

Follow @ranjsa


Malicious Website Detection

Web Application

The Phishing Detection Chrome Extension aims to classify, every browsed URL, under phished and non-phished category(on page load). thereby, alerting the user of any malicious activity and prevent intrusion.
Downlode the Chrome Extension from here

Feburary 2019 - Feburary 2019


College of Engineering and Technology Bhubaneswar

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science

GPA: 7.50

August 2017 - May 2021

Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers

Udemy by Tim Buchalka
May 2018 - November 2019

Machine Learning

Coursera by Andrew NG
December 2018 - Present

Android O & Java - The Complete Android Development Bootcamp

Udemy by Philipp Muellauer
8 May 2019 - 22 june 2019


Programming Languages & Tools


Apart from being a Android developer, I love playing Guitar, swimming, gymming

My interest escape from chaos and watching the beauty. Riding and nightouts. Active in participating in Hackathons .

Would choose to be an entrepreneur rather than being a C.E.O

Awards & Certifications

    Finalist - TRITHON 2K19 ( 24 hour non stop Hackathon )